cows in field

Membership with NODPA

The Benefits You Get From Supporting NODPA

Financial support for NODPA--through individual memberships and donations,-- will bring the strong representation that organic dairy farmers require and support the work of NODPA to:

  • Create and grow effective farmer networking on a state by state and regional level.
  • Open and maintain lines of communication with farmers, processors, industry representatives, USDA NOP, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) and consumers.
  • Participate in national meetings, assist with the development of regional organic dairy producer organizations and provide administrative support to the Federation of Organic Dairy Farmers (FOOD Farmers), the national umbrella group for organic dairy producers.
  • Organize Annual Field Days Events and Producer meetings.
  • Publish the bi-monthly NODPA News with more than 2,000 subscribers
  • Moderate and improve Odairy, the organic dairy electronic discussion group, which has over 1000 subscribing members.
  • Develop a continually updated website filled with resources including educational information on animal health and grazing management, industry news, certification, classifieds, calendar events, and a business directory.
  • Work to create a level playing field for certified organic standards with a high level of integrity.
  • Administer producer surveys providing information on pay price of milk, cost of purchased feeds, pasture use and feedback on important issues.

Sign-Up Now for Your Membership

When you become a member, you will receive NODPA News and help support the Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance. NODPA depends on your subscriptions and donations. If you support organic milk produced from family farms, participate on the Odairy Listserv, enjoy what you read on our webpage or benefit from farmer representation with the NOP and processors, that NODPA provides, please show your support by making a generous contribution to our efforts.

Signing-up is a two part process:

PART 1: Select the level of support you'd like to make by clicking on one of the Subscribe buttons below. You'll be taken to a secure payment page, where you'll provide credit card information. You can make a payment by mail by downloading our membership form at the bottom of the page and sending it with a check to Executive Director Ed Maltby (address is on the form).

PART 2: Please provide us with some information about yourself by filling out the form on the contact page.

Sign-Up Now for Your Annual Business Membership

An annual NODPA Business Membership comes with lots of benefits:

  • A free listing in our online business directory for a year.
  • A 5 percent discount on advertising in our popular print newsletter, NODPA News, which is published six times a year.
  • A free subscription to NODPA News.
  • Free classified ads for a year in our online classifieds

The greatest benefits, however, are a bit harder to quantify--but far more important. By taking out an annual business membership, you have numerous opportunities to connect with an engaged group of organic dairy farmers. And, you help support NODPA's education and advocacy programs on behalf of these farmers.

To become a Business Member, please fill out the NODPA Business Membership Form.

Sign up for your Annual NODPA Membership and Newsletter Subscription


NODPA produces an invaluable print newsletter, NODPA News, every other month that is chock full of industry news, production advice, classifieds, engaging commentary, farmer stories, event notices, research updates, pay price information ... and much more. NODPA News is one of the benefits of membership, but you can also subscribe to it for $50/year. Click on the button below to subscribe.

An annual subscription is $50:

Advertising in NODPA News: Learn more about how your business can use NODPA News to reach valued customers.

Submit Articles and Information: Send any editorial information (article, event or classified) to:

Nora Owens:


Starting in May 2008, NODPA begins publishing a monthly email newsletter that will keep you up-to-date about the latest industry news, articles and stories published on the web site, along with updates on the latest discussions taking place on O-Dairy, the latest classifieds, and upcoming dairy-related events. Fill out the form, below, to sign up for the e-newsletter.

E-Newsletter Sign-Up


Sign-Up Now for Your Voluntary Check-Off Membership

Thanks for agreeing to participate in our Voluntary Check-Off Program. There are only two things you need to do to complete your application:

1. Download, complete and send us the check-off form (located at bottom of page). You'll be asked to select $.02, $.05 or $.07 per cwt check-off. If you haven’t signed the exemption form to stop the deduction for national milk marketing from your milk check, document is located at bottom of page.

2. Fill out the form below providing us with information about you and your farm. If you'd like to apply and pay by mail, downloading our membership form (located at bottom of page).