VFW Post 7823, 530 Exchange Street, Middlebury, VT 05753
For the first time in ten years, NODPA Field Days returns to Vermont. Have you made your travel plans yet? You don’t want to miss out on two farm tours, 7 different workshops especially pertinent to organic dairy farmers at this time of great change, a dynamic trade show, excellent food, and plenty of time to catch up with old friends and to make new ones. Even with COVID’s newest variant always in the background, we are planning a safe, healthy event and welcome you all.
While everyone across America seems to be impacted by the current high prices, supply side delays, and economic downturns, organic dairy farm families are even more impacted. Many farmers are asking how they can continue to feed grain with the astronomical price for it; they wonder what practices can be adjusted to keep their cows healthy without costing too much; and how do they figure out how to manage their farms based on the cost of production vs. what the current pay price is. It is, indeed, a challenging year, and we will be tackling these issues, and having some fun, at the 22nd Annual NODPA Field Days. Scroll down to see the full program and speaker bios; click on the brochure for all the details; and register today.
Click here for the Field Days Brochure
Posted: to Field Days on Tue, Sep 20, 2022
Updated: Tue, Sep 20, 2022