cows in field

Books for Organic Dairy Farmers

Added June 5, 2010

1. Updated Small Dairy Resource
Book Now Available

SARE Outreach announces the release of its newly updated Small Dairy Resource Book, a thorough collection of resources for farm families interested in capitalizing on value-added dairy products. The Small Dairy Resource Book is available online only.

Download it for free at

Vicki H. Dunaway, of the Hometown Creamery Revival, evaluates the pros and cons of more than 150 resources, from the most current information in print and online to obscure, out-of-print publications that are useful for their timeless knowledge. Resources formats include books, periodicals, videos, Web sites and others on a wide range of topics related to farmstead dairy processing. Extension agents and other agricultural educators also will find this cohesive guide a valuable source of information.

Resources are broken into the following categories:
· Cheesemaking ?· Ice cream ?· Dairy processing ?· Dairy animals ?· Business and marketing ?· Butter ?· Other dairy foods ?· Food safety ?· Feeds and grazing

Originally published in 2000, The Small Dairy Resource Book was updated in 2010 with new entries, and revised contact and price information for listed resources.

2. Prescribed Grazing and Feeding
Management for Lactating Dairy Cows

This book is available on-line on the Northeast Pasture Consortium’s Grazing Guide website at:, which also has a lot of other great grazing info available. It does take awhile to download (15 MB), but it is great to have an electronic copy readily available. To request a print copy, please contact Karen Hoffman, USDA NRCS: Email:, Phone: 607-334-4632 ext. 116