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No Organic Checkoff.Com

Farmers and organizations concerned by the inequities of the proposed Organic Check-off have created a web page and Facebook page to help share their view and to educate everyone to the potential for discrimination against farmers and the misuse of funds generated by taxing farmers. Farmers are particularly concerned that the tax on their income by the Organic Check-off will take money from their pockets to pay for yet another level of federal bureaucracy and provide support for corporate interest that are weakening the integrity of the organic seal. Organic certification is not a commodity. The OTA proposal will be voted on by a select group of organic certificate holders, should the USDA sanction the plan, but an organic checkoff will affect every level of the organic community. Please visit the web page and ‘like’ the Facebook page. Visit and share these links with your friends!

Posted: to Policy in the News on Thu, Jan 1, 2015
Updated: Thu, Jan 1, 2015