cows in field

Silvopasture for CNY and Beyond

Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm

Part of the CNY Farming Series: Farming in a Changing World. Silvopasture combines trees, forages, and grazing livestock for production, economic, and environmental benefits. Silvopasture has great potential in NYS and is currently being practiced across the state. This webinar will cover silvopasture from the ground up, providing information and resources on the opportunities, considerations, costs, and benefits of this integrated approach to sustainable local food production. Register now for this 6-part virtual series hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cortland, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties and the Harvest New York Climate Resiliency Team. Valued at $80/farm, registration is a ‘pay-what-you-can’. Later in the year, a farm tour series that compliments these discussions will be available and the virtual series registrants will receive a discounted price. To Register: Click here- here. or contact Barb Neal at /(607)223-2793.