Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 2:00 pm
Join eOrganic on November 9, 2021 for a webinar on raw milk quality impacts on pasteurized dairy products! It takes place at 11AM Pacific, 12PM Mountain, 1PM Central and 2PM Eastern Time, and it's free and open to the public. Advance registration is required.
What happens on the farm does not stay on the farm when it comes to the impact of raw milk quality on pasteurized dairy product. Many tests are used to determine the quality of raw milk, some tests tell us about animal health, some about the efficacy of milking hygiene or equipment cleaning and sanitation, etc. However, when it comes to the impact of raw milk quality on pasteurized dairy products, there are only a few parameters that are truly impactful. This webinar will cover these parameters, how they impact pasteurized dairy products and what can be done at the farm to control them.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Nicole Martin is the Associate Director of the Milk Quality Improvement Program (MQIP) in the Department of Food Science at Cornell University. In her role, Nicole oversees the farm to consumer dairy microbiology research conducted in the MQIP and works closely with dairy industry stakeholders including producers and processors. Nicole studies the transmission of spoilage organisms from environmental niches into raw and processed dairy products, strategies to reduce or eliminate this transmission, the implications of spoilage organisms on finished product and methods of detection.Register now at https://oregonstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bNzlNpYQQ_SS_-Ytpm1Eeg